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 I am mergin my Ventrilo server with TS3 server!

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Posts : 140
Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 42
Location : Sweden (Malmö)

I am mergin my Ventrilo server with TS3 server! Empty
PostSubject: I am mergin my Ventrilo server with TS3 server!   I am mergin my Ventrilo server with TS3 server! Icon_minitimeTue Mar 23, 2010 7:43 am

This weekend I will be closing down my Ventrilo 2.3 server and most vent users will be moving over to my TeamSpeak 3 server because I am tried of being in two different programs at the same time. That and it will be more fun with more people on TS3.

It will not interfere with us however because we will all have our own rooms to be in =)
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I am mergin my Ventrilo server with TS3 server!
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