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 Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it)

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Posts : 140
Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 42
Location : Sweden (Malmö)

Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it) Empty
PostSubject: Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it)   Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it) Icon_minitimeWed Apr 21, 2010 7:07 am

Since the server went down and got wiped out and they never had a backup of it, we needed to configure the server from square 1
A little info about what I did yesterday and today on the pub server so we don't try to fix things that are already fixed.

I have made a complete copy of my own "mani_server.cfg" from my own hosted server and pasted it into our main pub server.
I have added and changed commands in server.cfg like: Removed "100 Tic" in the server name, not needed.

Change the server startup map to dust2.
It kicks people with a ping over 110 unless it is an admin or put into the "pingimmunity.txt".
Added 6 bots on hard mode but they can only use pistols and smg's. (Bot tag .:SD:. Crazy)
Map rotation = default file, not changed.

Copied over clients.txt (admins) from my own server and removed old names and changed names that should have .:SD:. tag.
There are now two admin groups that you can add people to: Head Admins and Normal Admins.
The only different is that "normal admins" can't do all rcon commands and add users to the admin list.

And this is what I have changed in the admin window since the last server admin config file, this goes for both admin groups.
These commands can not be used:Admin Skins, Beacon, Blind, Burn, Config, Drug, Explode, Fire Bomb, Freze, Freze Bomb, Give Item, Health,
No Clip Mode, Per Player Gravity, Set Skin Colour, Set Skins, Sound (cause they are not on yet, not that we need them), Teleport, Time Bomb and War.

(This can be changed if people want to have these features activated but my own personal ideas is to not have anything like that on a server no matter what.)

There are more changes when it comes to the "mani_server.cfg" file because of the copy I made.
But that is all so far.
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Posts : 140
Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 42
Location : Sweden (Malmö)

Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it)   Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it) Icon_minitimeSat Apr 24, 2010 8:52 am

I have now added so that everyone that should have admin now have it on both Main and DeathMatch server!
Note: on the DM server you get up the menu by writing in "sm_admin" in the console so "bind k sm_admin" or something =)

I have changed "mani_css_objectives" to 1, I want to try it out on the server for a week or two and see how everyone reacts to it.
I think it do more good then bad, well at least everyone will become more active while playing in the server =)
And for those who do not know what that command do, you will know soon enough when you play on the server =)

Oh and don't look it it up if you don't know because it will be more fun that way xD
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Changes on the main public server! (What I have & have not done to it)
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