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Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-04-21
Location : U.K

PostSubject: ADMINS / MEMBERS   ADMINS / MEMBERS Icon_minitimeWed Mar 31, 2010 9:01 am

In the early days of Scabby dog there wasn't much available to keep cheaters of our server.

Scabby dog Server, Clan Leaders had a long talk about our server our aim is to make it a place for you and friends to hang out, have fun and spend few hours having a killing time.
So here it is ALL members/new members are all made up to ADMIN aslong as the commands are used in the right way . If any admin is reported to be using
the commands just to keep friends happy will have to report back to our forums. YES you can lose your (ADMIN) TAG . We would like to point out that yes we do understand that there is people out there that will make a few posts about admins. If so we will have a long look at that admin if it comes to nothing the post will be Deleted.

Thanx : ADMIN
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