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 How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)

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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 4:06 pm

First I will start with that you need a computer that can run Counter-Strike Source at 100+fps at all times.
The reason for 100+fps and not the fps after how high your monitor refresh rate is is because nearly all
css servers are now 100tic and need that much fps information to send and receive correct data so
everything is where it should be on your monitor.

To achieve this without making it cost to much then I will recomend a graphics card from ATI.
They have quite a few cheap cards now days that preform very well and theirs graphic cards have always had the best fps on the source engine.

And after that you need a good mouse and mousepad.
I have two that I can recommend and that I have used and is still using at the moment, they are very good.
That would be Logitech MX518 and G500 mouse and steelseries 9HD and SP mouse pad.

I have used the MX518 since it came out and I just love it. I am now using the G500 and it reads the surface very well and can keep up with my quick turning.
I am a extreme lowsens player and I need a good mouse to keep up with me.

If you still have and old mouse and mousepad then I would suggest you to upgrade because
it will after a while when you get used to it make you aim better.
My rule of thumb is that you should be able to do a 180º with one sweep with the mouse and and still have
a low enough sensitivity to aim at long distances but could still turn around 180º if they come shooting you in the back.
I however have my sensitivity so I turn between 150-165º when doing a quick mouse movement.


(More stuff to come)

Edit: I forgot to tell you boys and girls. If you get a MX518 mouse then don't install the drivers for it.
It is better without them. However on the G500 you can install the program without making the mouse shit.

graphics card

Last edited by MrX on Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:05 pm; edited 4 times in total
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 5:01 pm

Smart tips but when you're 17 and only earning £30 a week becomes hard to save.
Desperately need a new mouse though and will invest in one as soon as i can.

When i use netgraph in game is that my fps after my monitor refresh rate?

And do you i need to change graphics cards from my NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GS? That came with my pc no idea how good it is though lol!
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeMon Mar 29, 2010 9:42 pm

Dizzle wrote:
When i use netgraph in game is that my fps after my monitor refresh rate?
Yes and no. It depends if you have vsync on or not. Vsync will cap your fps to whatever your monitor Hz is set to.
If you have vsync off then your fps will go as high as your computer allows it to.

CS:S have by default a fps cap on 300 fps unless you uncap it. (As in putting it to 0 or 999 fps)
I have my fps caped at 151 fps so my graphics card don't work at 100% at all times.
105 fps is enough though because that is over how much 100 tic css servers can handle.

Dizzle wrote:
And do you i need to change graphics cards from my NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GS? That came with my pc no idea how good it is though lol!

The 9600GS is an old card and not that good -_- You don't need to upgrade though.
If you are happy with what you got and don't feel the lag in the fps or mouse movement then there is no problem.
If you are like me that can feel and see when the fps goes up and down then you should get a new one.
But if you got that card when you bought the PC then your computer will be an old one should really just buy a new system Razz

Last edited by MrX on Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 1:38 am

my mouse is the wireless razor mamba and also got the copperhead and a logitec G3. the mouse i tend to use most is the copperhead as it was the first i baught and i play better with it.

i need to seriously upgrade my pc as im getting 30-60 fps max ingame but cash is short atm. the pc im using isnt that bad either.... intel core2 quad 8800 - 2gb ram - geforce 9600GT gfx card pc should run at epic fps but for some reason doesnt i think its the mobo thats on the way out???????
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 5:52 am

First thing you should do is to take a look if there is a update for your motherboard bios that might fix things.
And Core 2 Quad is not a bad cpu o_O But remember, the old source engine is only using one
processor/core when running and most of the fps you get out of CS:S is how high your MHz is on your cpu.

I don't know how many MHz your cpu is on but if you can overclock your cpu to 3GHz and then get a
newer graphics card from ATI then you should have no problem of running CS:S at 100+fps at all times.

Last edited by MrX on Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 9:55 am

I average at about 110 fps... My system isn't old at all... Intel Core2Quad @2.4ghz, 3gbRAM.
Might go for a new graphics card and definately a mouse soon though.

Thanks Smile
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 12:22 pm

My average fps on the stress test is 500fps at 1600x900.
There is a bottleneck somewhere (the cpu and the game itself) because I get the same fps if I select 0 or 8x MSAA (Antialiasing)

Last edited by MrX on Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeTue Mar 30, 2010 5:04 pm

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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 8:02 am

Cheers EXY good advice as always and keep it coming. Thanks for doing this mate Cool

I think tho if I could afford a system like yours I'd be better at CSS straight away by the sounds of things. I never get constant fps and never get anywhere near 100 Sad Sad Shocked Mad I get good latency but PC is a dinosaur. One day hey Embarassed
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 11:53 am

I have now pushed my i7 920 cpu to 3800 MHz instead of 3.6 that I had earlier. I want to get it to 4GHz but it is
to hard for a n00b overclocker like me. But going from 2600 to 3800 MHz is not bad =)

I did a stress test (prime95) for about 1h and 30 min and the cpu manage to hold 70c at 100% cpu usage.
Not bad for an air only cooling system. I am going to see if I can cut down on the voltage a bit on the cpu to make it cooler =)
But I don't think I can go down to much or it will become unstable.

Oh and with this I think I gained 50fps on the css stress test as well so about 550fps average now with 8xAA =)
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 3:15 pm

MrX wrote:
Oh and with this I think I gained 50fps on the css stress test as well so about 550fps average now with 8xAA =)

Could you please explain to me what is Anti-aliasing?? Never got what it was so just left that setting as it started :\
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How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on)   How to improve your gaming (aim, gamesense and so on) Icon_minitimeFri Apr 02, 2010 3:25 pm

Everyone that can't have 100+fps at all times should have that setting off since it will suck your fps away like crazy,
Do a stress test on 0xAA and then one on 8 or 16xAA and see your computer explode Razz

AF is how far away you can see textures without losing quality.
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