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 X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D

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X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D I_vote_lcap0%X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D I_vote_rcap
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X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D I_vote_lcap20%X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D I_vote_rcap
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X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D I_vote_lcap80%X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D I_vote_rcap
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X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D Empty
PostSubject: X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D   X in Modern Warfare 2 - S&D Icon_minitimeFri Mar 12, 2010 4:22 pm

I was playing some Search and Destroy with my friends against a bunch of Germans and as always they think I am hacking... All I do is running around like crazy and hope for the best while using some little more then average game sense to control my actions.

I hope those Germans finds this video while on YouTube so they can see that they need to practice A LOT before they can open their mouths and speak about people hacking -_-

But then again I can't really blame them because this game on the PC is full of aim and wall hackers ~_~

The direct link to the video if you can't see it below: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]