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 If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor

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If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeTue Dec 15, 2009 3:15 am

Debut Trailer

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Medal of Honor: Modern Warfare Razz
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If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeTue Dec 15, 2009 11:07 am

Think the NEW MOH will be mine Razz

thats a must get for me as i have all off them Razz

Thanks X for puttin up the vid Very Happy
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If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2010 3:43 am

Some new pictures from the game ^^

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor 0jbown8yahrsuez1p67gfk5vt2imcxl9

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Rzhg1y7ciqp692u0lok5esb34wx8ftnv

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor A3uxy9w58z7onielfv1pg4bjmrcqhk6s

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor 2amgn6jl8vo5izdfbtk7u0e9r4xy3w1s
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If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeThu Feb 25, 2010 9:25 am

Can this be the Call of Duty Killer?
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If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeThu Mar 11, 2010 9:47 am

Here comes some more pictures!!! ^_^

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Wyqd8hml62va5s0rf9p1t7zuoex4bjgn

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Cwytr38pieh1nqu7ko4xad62j9b5glvs

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor 8obw6a4vd1jsxh3c5yiumzltqg2rp7k9

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor 1phy5lok0adc89bfvsri4w6327uqjtxn

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor V8i4ak0zhuw59byexntp2dqjlco71mfs
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If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeFri May 07, 2010 3:20 am

New vid!

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If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 9:59 pm

Some new details have surfaced: 11 min mp video [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Multiplayer is 24 players per map
There will be dedicated servers
This is an enhanced Frostbite engine (enhanced to do what MOH needed)
Platforms are Xbox 360, PS3 and PC
Featuring a SPECTATOR mode to assist tournament play and observation (but still takes up a player slot in game)
Improved hit box (arms and body are separate) and while sprinting the head IS in the hit box (aka skeletal hit box)
Faster bullets (muzzle velocity is more real world accurate)
Accuracy is increased due to line of sight acquisition and lack of bullet physics to impact ballistic performance (put the sight on the target and thats where the round is going)

MP Basics
There is no PRONE or LEAN in MP
Tier 1 picks their own gear
3 mods per weapon
Lots of combinations
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH-WeaponSetup
Rail Slot (sights)
Barrel Slot (suppressor/silencer)
Base Slot (ammunition)
Ammunition type (yes, you can choose higher powered ammo for hardened targets or to increase distance)
3 Player Classes
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH-ClassChoice
Special Ops
Score Chains – Points build as you hit objectives or take down enemies and work as a team, the longer you stay alive the more these points build. As you build up these points i unlocks support actions (see you thought support was gone without the player class!). When you get a support action, you can choose between an OFFENSIVE or DEFENSIVE option for example, mortar strike or the UAV to locate enemies (and even a SCUD missile!)
Ranking System
You start as a Ranger and as you enhance and rank up you get selected for Tier 1 (you get your beard!) which is the level indication vs. a ‘military rank’ structure like that of BFBC2.
Players unlock weapons and even new player skins for ‘operator’ custom look.
Demotion in skill value points for ‘bad’ actions
Support class has been removed to favor a more ‘tactical’ decision model. In the world of Tier 1, the groups are all tactical vs. having a dedicated support individual.
Health will regenerate over time or will get awarded during game play
Mods (load out choices) will persist between matches for classes and teams (and can be setup outside of the live game mode so you can take your time and consider)
Teams are ‘Coalition vs. Insurgents’
Friend System just like BFBC2 to invite, track and join your buddies
Specific weapon unlocks per side so that insurgents will get weapon unlocks specific to enemy and vice versa for Coalition forces
Interior splash damage increases (grenade explosive damage worse in enclosed spaces)
No gibbing – Kill model is ragdoll body effect not body parts
Leaderboard and Stats – Both inside the game itself and outside sources for external game use
In game achievements are separate from single player
Hardcore mode will be available
The team you’re on (Coalition or Insurgent) determines which weapons you can select from
Modified Frostbite engine limits destruction vs BFBC2 (more accurate depiction of damage)
Snipers can steady a shot by holding breath
UAVs are ‘predator’ variant
No magic parachutes! If you jump from a building better be ready to pay that price
Spawn decision allows you to choose from front line or rear area (if you need to regroup rather than jump into the firefight immediately)

Platform Specific Elements:
PC: No Mod Tools (at least none planned at this point and foreseeable future)
PC: Game server rental only. No private dedicated server which means no release of server code to community
PC: While there is dedicated servers the EA Master Server will not be shared between BFBC2 and Medal of Honor
PC: In game voice but it is for entire team only and not squad level
XBL: Party chat functions will be available for private group voice functionality (take your party in game)
PC: Server filters will be better than BFBC2 and MORE options
PC: Spectator mode will take a ‘player’ slot from the max of 24
PC: Punkbuster will be used
PC: RCON tools will be available

here are some MultiPlayer screenshots allthough not pov.
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH_MP_Online_E3_1_full
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH_MP_Online_E3_2_full
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH_MP_Online_E3_3_full
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH_MP_Online_E3_4_full
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH_MP_Online_E3_5_full
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH_MP_Online_E3_6_full
If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor MOH_MP_Online_E3_7_full
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Posts : 140
Join date : 2009-05-13
Age : 42
Location : Sweden (Malmö)

If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Empty
PostSubject: Re: If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor   If anyone cares. The new Medal of Honor Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 7:14 am

This is me kicking butt